21-day Self-Transformation Free Course

Late last year, I started looking for a short course that would help me create a mindset which would allow any change I made to become sustainable and permanent. I also wanted the course to help me be more creative and reflective. I began to define exactly what I wanted, so that I could narrow down my search. That process acquired a life of its own and this  course is the result.
            It is based on the premise that repeating a particular action over 21 days creates a habit which leads to lasting change. The aim is to maintain a daily creativity practice based on a theme which serves as a prompt for journaling.  The point  is to build a habit that will progressively lead to a change in mindset.       

How does this work?

            This course works through art-making and using the process to birth new possibilities for ourselves.  Art-making allows us to tap into the subconscious mind.
            Often we set goals and plans but are unable to keep going with them. This is because the thought processes that we need to support us are not in place. The rational mind accepts the need to pursue a course of action, but underlying subconscious beliefs can sabotage the process. Art-making allows us to engage with the subconscious mind and give it a voice and structure that our conscious mind can understand and work with. The subconscious mind does not speak to us in words. It speaks to us through images, sounds, taste, touch and smell.  It simply does not understand words and concepts. It understands emotions and feelings and it communicates the truth. When we listen to the message of the subconscious mind, we open ourselves to possibilities of growth and transformation beyond anything the conscious mind and the ego can imagine and create. But mere art-making is not enough. One has to engage with the process and the product, to ask questions of it and to 'listen' to the answers, however unexpected or challenging they may be. This becomes the crucible within which a transformation occurs...

Do I need to have art-making skills for this course?

            No absolutely not. Whatever you make is fine. The purpose of the project is not to create beautiful or realistic 'art' it is simply to create without judgement of the product. It is to immerse yourself in the process and enjoy the journey, allowing it to teach you what you need to learn.

How important is the time frame?

            The subconscious does not understand time in the way that the 'real' world does. It does understand repetition, commitment and the cumulative effects of focus and persistence, so committing to the 21-day process is important.
             That said, life intervenes and sometimes doing ANYTHING consistently over 21 consecutive days is an impossible task. If that happens, just go on and focus on completing 21 journal pages, regardless of long it takes to finish the task.

Do I need to do any prep work?

            Yes. You will need to get a journal (any type will do), some black gesso (optional), a circle template and miscellaneous art supplies. Black and white gel pens.
            Before we begin, it would be helpful to do the following on every page of the journal (for 21 pages):
1.      At the centre of the page, draw a circle 20 cm in diameter. (You will complete your artwork within this)
2.      You can choose to colour the area around the circle or you can leave it white. You will be writing  your quotes on this background. The choice is yours (I choose to create a black background using black gesso as black represented the unknown to me).
3.      You will also need a separate journal or writing pad, in which to respond to the journaling prompts. What you write need not be shared. It is a personal resource for you to revisit and learn from as and when you need to.

The process

                        Before starting on the process, do a short breathing exercise. (For example inhale slowly to the count of five and exhale slowly to the count of ten. Repeat this thrice).
            Next, focus on the intention set for each page. The purpose of setting an intention is to crystallise your focus and carry through it the day to assist in the process of self-transformation. Each intention has been chosen to build on the previous day's learning so that at the end of the 21 days, the process is truly transformational.
                        The artwork itself should be unplanned. Work with whatever is at hand on the day,  create spontaneously - a scribble, doodle, collage, sketch - whatever seems "right" is all you need to do. The artwork is to be positioned at the centre of the journal page and contained within the circle you have drawn. This format is chosen because circles are infinite - they have no beginning or end, but they could act as a container through which you can access "messages" from your sub-conscious mind, in the form of art work.
            I have included short notes on the process I used for each day. You need not follow any of it. Whatever you create is OK. The important point is to create something, contain it within the circle and own it, regardless of what you feel it looks like and use it as a basis for learning about yourself. On completing an artwork, spend five minutes looking at it trying to fathom what message it contains for you in the context of where your life is at the moment in terms of your hopes, dreams, goals and the lessons you need to learn.
            Date and number each page.
            Then write three free-form stream-of-consciousness pages. You can use the day's quotes or artwork as a prompt or you can write about something completely different. It doesn't matter. The important point is to generate the three pages. Retain them for the duration of the project and then finally examine them to see if a pattern emerges. At the end of the 21 days, you can choose to destroy them, (as an act of purging what needs to die) or you can retain them as a resource for further use.
            The entire process can take much longer than 21 days. There were times when I faltered and was ready to give up, so to keep motivated, I posted all the pages I created to my Instagram account (gcas0831). Do whatever suits you to keep up your focus, persistence and enthusiasm.
            The idea behind this entire exercise is not merely to record your journey of healing and self-discovery through art making, but also to create a personal resource which you can use in the future in whatever way you want and need to.

Instruction for the art work (relevant for the entire 21 days)

1.      Take a few minutes to do the breathing exercise.
2.      Set the intention for the day.
3.      Assemble the art supplies you intend to use and work for not more than 10 minutes, choosing shapes, colours and textures without judgement. Work spontaneously and at the end of 10 minutes decide whether you want to stop or continue. Stop only when it feels 'right' for you.

I will be posting information relating to Day 1 of the course tomorrow, Day 2 on the day-after-tomorrow and so on for 21 days.

If you decide to go on this journey or would like to share your work or thoughts, I would love to hear from you.

If you wish to sign-up for a free copy of the course material in ebook format (which will be emailed to you at the end of the course), and receive notification on future courses, please email me at gillian_castellino@yahoo.com.au

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Disclaimer: If this course brings up uncomfortable or painful responses that need the intervention of a qualified psychologist or medical practitioner please go ahead and contact a suitably qualified professional. Please note that this course is NOT a substitute for qualified medical and psychological advice.


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