Day 17 - Progress vs Perfection


"Stop being distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals."

"Strive for progress not perfection."

"Follow your soul. It knows the way."

"I am WEIRD - Wonderful, Exciting, Interesting, Real and Different."

"Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles."
"Your speed doesn't matter. Forward is forward."

"Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn't know until you learned it."

"Creativity is intelligence having fun."

"If plan A didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters. Stay cool. "

"You don't have to be perfect to be amazing."

"Practice the pause, and when you pause, pray."

"Think like the person that you want to become."

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."

"Self discipline begins with mastery of your thoughts."


To create a page filled with affirmations to encourage you to cope and remain motivated.

My process

I created a very rough cut out of an angel who "radiated" the affirmations and encouraging messages which I want and need to take on board.

Journaling Prompt

A major challenge when trying to make changes, is dealing with our own "perfectionism". There is nothing wrong with wanting and trying to do your best, but if you exhibit any of the following, then perfectionism is rearing its head: 
- You are highly critical of your mistakes
- You revisit a finished product such as a document or project multiple times because in your eyes it just is not good enough
- You spend hours obsessing over minor details others do not even notice. 
- You tend to focus on what has gone wrong for you and not on give yourself credit for what you did right
- You believe that you would never be perfect in the way you look
There are two common areas in which people are affected by perfectionism 
- Inability to get started on or complete a body of work
- Feeling ashamed 
Perfectionism causes us to  leak energy, to feel unsettled and become unable to take calculated risks and necessary action. If shame is the root cause, we can be highly critical of ourselves and others. According to David R Hawkins in his book Power vs Force, shame is the lowest level on the Map of Consciousness and he suggests that it is akin to psychological death.
So, how can we deal with perfectionism?
1. Work on your self-esteem - Self-care, use of affirmations, self-development techniques even energy releasing methods such as meridian tapping can help
2. Look at the big picture - Is it really that important if a little detail is faulty?
3. Set reasonable standards and expectations - Sometimes it is OK to be "good enough" not perfect. No one is superhuman.
4. Learn to laugh - There is nothing like humour at the right time and in the right dose, to give one a sense of perspective when things go wrong.
5. It is OK to be a work in progress. If you make a mistake, resolve to learn from it and then let it go.
6. Study successful people - Success comes after multiple set-backs and failures. If you cultivate resilience and persistence, you are ahead of the game.
7. Understand that perfectionism comes from ego. Your essence is not ego, it is Soul. Soul does not judge. 
8. Accept that there are times when you will never feel ready. Give things a go with what you have and are now.
9. Start small and build. Focus on the process not the product. Measure progress not perfection.
10. Let go of what others think
11. Get comfortable with making mistakes. Failures are stepping stones to success. 
Based on what you have processed about your attitudes to perfectionism, construct or select affirmations to help you deal with it.
Journaling prompt 
What do the affirmations I have chosen tell me about what I want and need?

Daily Wrap Up:

     After completing your artwork and journal entry, consider the following questions:
   - Has my work followed the suggested theme? 
- - Is a particular motif, story or message persistently showing through in my work? What does this suggest to me?
   - If not, is there a pattern, underlying suggestion, message or idea which it has raised. 
   - Is this pattern related to my previous journal entries?
   - Would I like to follow it further? If so, how can I do that in a way which empowers me?
   - How do I feel about the work I have done? Why?
- - Do I feel any resistance to the process? Why?
    In your journal, write up a few comments answering these questions, or else highlight the sections of your written work that seem to suggest a pattern or feature you would like to work on.


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