Day 2 - Seeding the new


" Happiness is the new rich,
Inner peace is the new success
Health is the new wealth
Kindness is the new cool."

"Everything you need is already within you."

"What we are looking for is looking for us." - St Francis

"People can only meet you as deeply as they have met themselves." - Matt Kahn


To create a page about finding internal and external resources and support to persist with the complete the project.

My process

Keeping the day's intention in mind, I leafed through my quote resource bank for appropriate guidance. Using the same art supplies as the day before ie water-colour crayons, felt pens, netting I started creating a mandala - starting at the centre of the page and working outwards. The purpose was to create spontaneously without judging the quality of what "emerged". What was I seeding? That question was uppermost on my mind as I worked. A three-leafed structure emerged. What did it represent?
Leaf 1 - represented a commitment to focus
Leaf 2 - represented a desire to persist and see the process through to completion
Leaf 3 - represented the need to develop internal and external resources to support the process

Journaling Prompt:

1.      What are the three main qualities I wish to develop as I go through this process?
2.      Why do I want to develop these qualities?
-     Are there any major shifts in attitude or outlook that I need to consider to help me birth the changes I want?

    Daily Wrap Up:

     After completing your artwork and journal entry, consider the following questions:
   - Has my work followed the suggested theme?
   - If not, is there a pattern, underlying suggestion, message or idea which it has raised. 
   - Is this pattern related to my previous journal entries?
   - Would I like to follow it further? If so, how can I do that in a way which empowers me?
   - How do I feel about the work I have done? Why?
    In your journal, write up a few comments answering these questions, or else highlight the sections of your written work that seem to suggest a pattern or feature you would like to work on. 

      NOTE (which applies to every day of the course): 
You do not have to answer all the questions suggested. If time is short, choose the question that most interests you and the one that turns you off completely and answer those. Your answers do not have to be long, a few sentences will do.
   Journal Entry Format suggestions:

     Your answers can take the format of a:
     - note                    - rhyme                - letter             - postcard             -haiku           - poem
     - cartoon              - list                     - instructions    - map                   -ticket           - advertisement      
     - diagram             - song                  - story               - mind map          - word collage
     - flow chart          - storyboard         - prayer            - essay                 -keywords
    whatever works for you.



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