Steampunk Paper Doll Journal - Spread 10 - Creativity

"Creativeness, like freedom of will, contains a secret.... Creative man is a riddle we may try to answer in various ways, but always in vain... Every creative person is a duality. On one side he is a human being with a personal life, on the other he is an impersonal, creative process.  Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him an instrument.  An artist is 'collective man' - one who carries and shapes the unconscious psychic life of mankind." - C.G. Jung (1875-1961) (Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, founder of Analytical Psychology)

"The most potent Muse of all is our own inner child."
- Stephen Nachmanovitch (American musician, author, computer artist, and educator)

"I am my own muse - the subject I know best."
- Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) (Mexican artist)


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