Steampunk Paper Doll Journal - Spread 20 - Authentic Freedom

"You are not an isolated entity, but a unique, irreplaceable part of the cosmos.  Don't forget this. You are an essential piece of the puzzle of humanity.  Each of us is a part of the vast, intricate and perfectly ordered human community.  But where do you fit into this web of humanity? To whom are you beholden?
Most people tend to delude themselves into thinking that freedom comes from doing what feels good or what fosters comfort and ease.  The truth is that people who subordinate reason to their feelings of the moment are actually slaves to their desires and aversions.  They are ill-prepared to act effectively and nobly when unexpected challenges occur.
Authentic freedom places demands on us. In discovering and comprehending our fundamental relations with one another and zestfully performing our duties, true freedom is possible.
- Epictetus (in 'The Art of Living')(50AD to 135AD)(Greek Stoic philosopher)


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