Steampunk Paper Doll Journal - Spread 6 - Healing dolls

"Why use Doll making for healing, transformation and personal growth?
You can change how you see yourself making a doll.  You can talk to yourself using a doll that you made.  You can use the imagery of doll-making (thought in concrete visual form) to focus your energy into evolving new ways of being and doing.  Doll makers create symbols of an emotion, a feeling, a sensation, a struggle or a celebration.  A self-made doll, a figurative form, can stand as an honouring of something sacred outside or within you.

Doll making is different than any other form of art.... It allows you the experience of holding a part of yourself in your hands.  You become your own witness of your life, feeling it and embodying it.

Doll making can be used as an instrument for change, growth and healing.  Dolls can be emotional metaphors that express feelings, beliefs and connections to mind, body and spirit.

Engaging in the creative process and making art and healing dolls can help you heal at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual leve.
- Barb Kobe (doll artist and teacher)  Barb Kobe


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