Steampunk Paper Doll Journal - Spread 1 - Self-Care Inspiration and Manifesto

Here are some reminders I posted to myself regarding self-care:

- Self-care is how you take your power back
- Take time to do what makes your soul happy
- You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first
- You've got to nourish to flourish
- Self-care is.... whatever soothes your soul
- Self-care is a divine responsibility
- Self-care is self-respect

Self-care manifesto

Today I promise to:
- Be loving, nurturing and caring to myself.
- Take time to rest, relax, slow down, listen to my inner voice, cut myself some slack, re-connect with my soul and remember that I am only human.  So, it's OK to set boundaries, to give myself space and time to heal, refresh and recharge. Be brave enough to say 'no' to others that I can say 'yes' to myself.  - Remember that it is OK not to check-off every task on my schedule, but to design it to include items which meet my needs and feed my soul.
- Decide to treat myself with kindness and consideration.
- Remind myself that my well being matters...


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